Kansas Hospital Jobs

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Kansas Hospitals (1)
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Hospital Name & Link

Job Opportunity Bulletin

Employment Office

 Allen County Hospital  101 South First Street
Iola,  KS  66749-3505, Tel: (620) 365-1000
 Anderson County Hospital - Saint Luke's Health System  421 South Maple
Garnett,  KS  66032-1334, Tel: (785) 448-3131
 Bob Wilson Mem Grant Cnty Hosp  415 North Main Street
Ulysses,  KS  67880-2133, Tel: (620) 356-1266
 Central Kansas Medical Center  3515 Broadway
Great Bend, KS  67530, Tel: (620) 792-2511
 Central Kansas Medical Center - Saint Joseph Memorial Hospital  923 Carroll Street
Larned, KS  67550, Tel: (620) 285-3161
 Cheyenne County Hospital


 210 West First
Saint Francis, KS  67756, Tel: (785) 332-2104
 Children's Mercy South  5808 West One Hundred Tenth Street
Overland Park, KS  66211
Tel: (913) 696-8000
 Citizens Medical Center  100 East College Drive
Colby,  KS  67701-3799
 Cushing Memorial Hospital  711 Marshall Street
Leavenworth,  KS  66048, 913.684.1100
 Doctors Hospital


 4901 College Boulevard
Leawood, KS  66211
Tel: (913) 529-1801
 Edwards County Hospital and Healthcare Center  620 West Eighth
Kinsley, KS  67547, Tel: (316) 659-3621
 Ellinwood District Hospital


 605 North Main Street
Ellinwood,  KS  67526-1440
 Galichia Heart Hospital  2610 North Woodlawn
Wichita, KS  67220,
Tel: (316) 858-2610, Fax:(316) 858-2787,
E-mail: recruiter@ghhospital.com
 Geary Community Hospital  1102 Saint Mary's Road, PO Box 490
Junction City, KS  66441, Tel: (785) 238-4131
 Greeley County Health Services


 506 Third Street
Tribune, KS  67879-0338
Tel: (316) 376-4221
 Halstead Hospital


 327 Chestnut
Halstead Ks. 67056
Phone 316 835-4100, Fax 316 835-4109
 Hays Medical Center


 2220 Canterbury Drive
Hays,  KS  67601-2342, Phone:  785.623.5000    Toll Free:  800.248.0073
 Hillsboro Community Med Ctr  701 South Main Street
Hillsboro, KS 67063-1595, Tel (620) 947-3114

(620) 947-3114
 Hodgeman County Health Center  809 Bramley Street
Jetmore,  KS  67854-9320, Tel: (620) 357-8361
 Holton Community Hospital


 1110 Columbine Drive
Holton,  KS  66436-1545, Tel: (785) 364-2116
 Kansas Heart Hospital  3601 North Webb Road
Wichita,  KS  67226, Hr Fax: (316) 630-5050
 Kearny County Hospital  500 Thorpe Street
Lakin,  KS  67860-0744, Tel: (620) 355-7111
 Kiowa County Memorial Hospital


 501 South Walnut Street
Greensburg,  KS  67054-1951
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